Kokkino Xorio village taken near the mini-market
We can meet you in the village of Kokkino Xorio or if you prefer you can get to us under your own steam:
From the village square/basketball court in Kokkino Xorio, with the taverna on your right and the church straight ahead, turn right then
immediately left and proceed slowly down a narrow, windy road until you come to a staggered T-junction.
Bear left and pass the old wells on your right - a huge concrete slab with rusted metal lids – until you reach two municipal rubbish-bins.
You will be at the bottom of our hill (and the top of another one leading down to the lighthouse).
Bear right and take the track up the hill as far as you can go. After about 2km you will reach a farmyard. Drive past and on up the track. You should
see our house ahead on your left – a one-storey pale yellow building distinguished by a wind turbine and lightning protection tower. If you get stuck you can call us and we’ll come and find you!
Hot tip: Drive slowly to allow more time to
stop if someone is coming very fast the other way; Greeks habitually drive fast even through small villages. It's all part of their flamboyant southern Mediterranean temperament!